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Letter to the Editor

Healthcare should be a right, not a privilege

Meghan Hendricks | Photo Editor

Every person in New York state deserves equal access to healthcare, regardless of their economic background.

“Is it really worth the $150?” Paige Emerson, a freshman at Syracuse University and friend of mine, said, looking tired and distressed. My heart sank. She was contemplating whether or not to go to the emergency room. This was the second time within the past year they have avoided the large cost of going to seek help, and she’s not alone — 51% of U.S. adults say they have delayed or abstained from medical care within the past year because of expenses.


Further, almost half of U.S. adults who are insured have challenges paying out-of-pocket healthcare costs, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation. And around 12% state that medical bills have a huge impact on their family. It’s clear that healthcare has become a privilege for those who can afford it. Otherwise, it is a burden.

The New York Health Act, a bill currently in committee in the New York state legislature, is vital for people all across the state, especially for people like Emerson. This act would establish a program that would guarantee health coverage regardless of income, with no out-of-pocket cost for all residents. In addition to creating a single-payer healthcare system, it would establish the New York Health Trust Fund, which would be used solely to fund the New York Health Program.

Alongside bills like Coverage 4 All and End Medical Debt, this bill would allow patients across work and citizenship status to have more financial access to health care. The need to pass this act becomes evermore urgent as medical prices increase, companies gouge and healthcare becomes less and less affordable.

Emerson said they have struggled with the healthcare system for their whole life because of finances and access.

“My medication per month, with no insurance, is over $1,000 already,” Emerson said.

With their insurance, they end up paying around $100 per month for medication and occasional other healthcare costs. That’s not even including an ER cost if she is able to go. Not if she has to.

Emerson has conditions that require her to be on five different medications. Medication could dictate life or death. She not only has chronic migraines (requiring her to be on two other medications), but is also in the process of getting diagnosed for a heart condition. This requires frequent visits to doctors and being referred to specialists, all of which have a price tag attached to them.

Emerson, alongside many New York residents and workers, would benefit greatly from the New York Health Act passing. It would mitigate stressful financial decision making from making important health decisions. This bill, alongside other companion bills, is an important step towards achieving equity for New Yorkers, especially communities of color who have long been underserved, by establishing a universal healthcare system in the state.

At the end of the day, establishing single-payer health care systems is not only incredibly beneficial for residents and workers, but it also is beneficial to state finances in the long term. That’s why the New York Public Interest Research Group is pushing for this bill to be passed, as we understand that every New Yorker deserves access to affordable healthcare.

With students leading the fight to ensure that this bill gets passed, NYPIRG hosted an event with SU’s Rebecca Lee Pre-Health Society and Honors Pre-Heath called “What the Health!” on Wednesday. They discussed healthcare systems in the U.S. and explained the New York Health Act and its companion bills. NYPIRG also demanded that these bills get passed through outreach to officials.

Emerson said she considers herself lucky. They have good insurance and are able to cover the outside costs with help from their family. But she fears what could happen in the future, if that security doesn’t exist or if any unknown emergency occurs. She could lose her vital access. No person should have to live in fear of this. Healthcare is a human right and our state’s policies need to reflect that.

Evelina Torres, Class of 2025

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