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Duck: Kateri Gemperlein-Schirm

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Design Editor | Fall 2017-Spring 2018

Although I’ve only been here for two semesters, they have been some of the best of my college career. Without The D.O. I probably would have gotten a lot more sleep, finished my school work on time and most definitely not have eaten as much dessert, but I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my junior year anywhere else.

My time here has given me so much, and I can’t imagine how different these last two semesters would have been without you all. If I forget anyone I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it and I love ya.

Alexa & Alexa: You both are incredibly talented, and I am more than honored to have worked under you this year. Thank you for always being supportive and encouraging me to roll with the punches. You have made me a better designer, and I’m so grateful. I wish you both the best after graduation, and I can’t wait to see what you do.

Bridget: A semester without your comments in class is going to be so rough, but capstone will be here before we know it. You are so incredibly motivated and talented, and I know you’re going to be a fantastic PD.

Emma & Lucy:I admire your confidence and beautiful designs. I can’t wait to see what you both do next year and after graduation. Copenhagen, here we come!

Rori: You are a superhuman and always manage to put a smile on my face, whether it’s a quick hello in the Pulp room or a conversation at 2 a.m. on the way back to your dorm. You have so much talent and passion — there is nothing that can stop you. You’re going to do big things my dude, I’m sure of it.

Sports: Y’all have made me so immune to sarcasm, thanks. I’ll miss your loud conversations and even louder laughs that radiate through the house. You all have insane talent and make working coverage bearable and maybe even a little enjoyable.

Andy: Your laugh and positivity are things I always look forward to when I walk into Digital. Thank you for always waving to me in Newhouse, even when you’re carrying handfuls of food.

Katie: Ugh, where do I start? Since freshman year, you are one of the only people to understand my Buffalo references, and for that I am eternally grateful. If you ever need a ride from Sadler, give me a call.

Ali: I’m convinced you are actually a ray of sunshine. You have been such a helpful PD, and I’m sure you will be an even better ME. Keep doing great things and making the world a more positive place.

Talia: My gluten-free queen, you are one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. Thank you for always brightening up my day with your genuine positivity. I am so proud of how much you’ve grown as a designer this year. Keep doing you, you wonderful human bean.

Amy: Sweet, sweet Amy, I’ll miss your rad sense of fashion and your decorative socks. France will be lucky to have you. And, hey, Denmark isn’t too far away. Let’s meet for dinner.

Sam & Jordan: Please get more sleep, you deserve it.

News: You guys are some of the most talented and dedicated journalists I’ve met, and I am more than proud to have gotten to work with you. Keep breaking stories and doing great things. You got this.

Casey: I barely knew you the first semester we designed together, but oh my goodness you are one of the funniest people I have ever met. I’m so happy I got to know you a little better, and I’ll miss your memes and Slack reactions.

Stacy: On my first day as a designer, I was in Pulp. You talked to me and helped me out when I was so overwhelmed. You made my first day and my first semester so special. Thank you for always making me feel welcome.

Kai: I’ll miss our late-night car rides back to South and your very niche memes. Thank you for always lending me your ID and making me laugh when I need it most. Keep taking dope photos and doing great work.

Catherine: From the moment I met you, I knew we’d be friends because I never met anyone who loves their dog or appreciates a good Vine as much as I do.

Pulp: One of my favorite rooms to work in, and not just because it’s the warmest. You guys are so hardworking and kind. If I need a laugh, a hug or just an extra chair, I know I can always find a home in Pulp.

Mom & Dad: Thank you for teaching me to do everything with love.

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