Click here for the Daily Orange's inclusive journalism fellowship applications for this year


Duck: Emma Comtois

Casey Russell | Senior Staff Writer

Design Editor | Fall 2015–Spring 2016; Senior Design Editor | Fall 2016; Digital Design Editor | Spring 2017; Digital Editor | Fall 2017-Spring 2018

Unlike most of The Daily Orange staff, I wasn’t my high school paper’s editor in chief. If you told me when I applied to college I’d find my passion at a college newspaper, I wouldn’t believe you. But I stumbled into something greater than myself.

I was hired within weeks of my freshman year. After six semesters, I don’t know Syracuse without this place so it’s easy to think, “How will I go on without The D.O.?”

Or, “How will The D.O. go on without me?!” But it does. For 115 years, this institution has bred the MOST talented people. I’m lucky to be considered their peer.

I’ll be hard-pressed to find a place I love as much as 744 and the people who fill it. These 1,499 words aren’t enough to tell the people who follow (and those who didn’t fit) how much I love them and how they’ve changed my life. But, here’s my best shot:

Chloe: Thank you for giving me my college experience. You hired me when you had no reason to other than my GLOWING personality. You gave me critique when I needed to improve but were supportive when I needed confidence. Thanks for taking a chance on me. I owe you.

Mara: Justin said I was Mara 2.0. What a compliment. If I learn to handle anything as gracefully as you, I’ll be miles ahead of many.

Justin: You’re the embodiment of The D.O. When you’re here for Palooza, sitting in management, nothing changes. You told me our conversations change how you see the world. Back at you. I have the utmost respect for you. Journalism won’t die as long as you’re around.

Clare: Your energy and charisma bring out the best in people. Our relationship has developed in ways I never imagined, but I’m thankful I finally know (and love) you.

Chris: We’re even closer this semester so stop being weird when I see you in public. You doubt yourself too much for how smart you are. You’ll hate if this is long, so I’ll leave you with this: buy the clothes.

Jon: You’re remarkably funny and the most versatile person to come through 744.

Lizzie Hart: Spending time with you at SND felt like I worked at The Post! I lucked out having you as my mentor.

Alex Szelewski: The short time you spent here left an immense impact. You’re one of the top 10 most hilarious, beautiful people. Stay NARSTY!

Jacob: We’re impossibly different, but equally driven. Sometimes we “get” each other. Thanks for your advice.

Sara: As a freshman at Transition, you’re the person I was comfortable approaching. Thanks for welcoming me.

Kathryn: You’re bright, witty and brought The D.O. #headlines_tweets. Future digital editors owe you.

Delaney: You’re quietly the funniest person in any room and always a joy at Girls Night.

Caroline:You’re incredibly aware. I turn to you to model my own opinions.

Fortier: Let’s keep up our Instagram comments, I don’t want to lose touch.

Graham: We’ve come a long way since, “Making fun of Andrew Graham is my passion.” Put your shoes on.

Stacy: The uncomfortable compliments I never get from anyone else make my day.

Haley & Taylor: You’re the writing equivalents to Lucy and me. You’re too humble for being so good.

Bridget & Kateri: Y’all are my design/MPD saviors.

Talia & Amy: You’re spectacular designers. Stick with The D.O.

Casey: Your infectious laugh always has me dying.

Catherine: NEW 205 has nothing on The D.O.

Lizzie: Think about my Secret Santa roast and you giving it back. Don’t lose that fire.

Myelle: When The D.O. gets Insta-verified: YOU. DID. THAT.

Ally: I love your devotion to gossip and watching your talent grow.

Matthew: You cover every topic making it relevant to any reader (even me, who hates reading!).

Anna: Thanks for fetching me water. I got your back, too.

Kevin: If I ever interview you for a job, you’re hired.

Sabrina: One semester wasn’t enough. I love you from Phi Sig to 744.

Eliza: As design/Whitman duals, we’re similar. You wowed me with your “Coke” Snap and never stopped impressing me.

Katie: We were lucky to find you. You leave me in awe, there’s no way you’re self-taught. Recognize your abilities. You’re unstoppable.

Danny: You’re the first WhitB*tch I’ll ever love. Let’s hit up Nova Scotia.

Díaz: Under your leadership, this paper’s course changed for the better. The environment you created is welcoming, inclusive and kind.

Torrens: Your commitment, drive, intelligence and humor are unmatched. You have this ability to control the energy in any room. I hope to be as bad*ss as you one day. But, I’ll never stop getting in the pup food line early.

Burke: You’re one of the only writers whose stories I look forward to. Hold people accountable, stay critical, it’s your strength. You also make me feel like the funniest person in the room. That’s invaluable in my book.

Sam OG: I’m on the edge of my seat waiting to watch you as EIC. Never be afraid to ask for help. Can’t wait for that Battle shot.

Ali: It means the world when you ask for design advice because you’re so talented on your own. I loved working alongside you, so I know you’ll be a phenomenal leader.

Amanda: You have a charm people lust after, but you’re just born with it. Never lose that spark.

Brigid: The first time I learned from you was in ECN 203, but that surely won’t be the last. Let’s make a day of it soon: Laci’s for tapas, Tomer’s for latkes, Turning Stone for drinks. I’ll miss you forever.

Kiran: You pioneered a path I couldn’t see for myself in digital design. I credit you with my transition. From working together as designers to guiding me to Amazon, I know we’ll work together again soon. I’m thrilled you’ll be in Seattle, bringing me advice and laughter.

Lydia: If we had “littles,” you’d be mine. Partly because of our yellow jackets, but mostly because of our similar worldview. Thank goodness you’re coming to Seattle! You’re gorgeous, intelligent and sure of yourself. That’ll take you anywhere. I love you.

Tomer: I love you, even when you quit. You make everyone feel special, but ESPECIALLY me. If the world was full of Tomer’s, you’d say it’s a sh*tty world, but it’d actually be the most humble, talented, hilarious world imaginable. Let’s hit the Stone once more. P.S. DO YOU HAVE ANY REESE’S PIECES MCFLURRIES?

Rori: At any party, you’re my partner-in-crime to dance, drink and raise hell with. There’s never a moment you don’t have me crying at your shenanigans. I’m heartbroken our time together at Syracuse is up, but this isn’t the last of us. Love you forever. Let’s break into Insomnia again.

Rachel: We wasted so many nights! Me designing news next to you editing news. DAMMIT. I loved seeing you walk into digital with that telling smile: there’s tea to share. We got close so fast (it took more than five, but less than 10 minutes). And even closer as we waited for a freaking ride. Thanks for talking sh*t about Ashley at Faculty. Love you endlessly.

Andy: You changed my life when you walked up to me in Sadler. I just wanted an early move-in but didn’t know I’d gain my lifelong best friend. For people who rarely shut up, it’s difficult putting “us” into words. You brought out who I truly am: louder, funnier and humbler than ever. Thank you. If I don’t miss pup food most, I’ll miss THE BANTER, gossiping, hiding in trashcans and laughing like no other. You’ve been my right-hand man this whole year, already running the room like it’s yours so there’s no doubt you’ll continue making digital ICONIQUE. Love you more than you know.

Lucy: This is the hardest to write. You represent the entirety of my D.O. experience so it’s impossible to put into words. You’re the kindest heart, the greatest talent and my best friend. I’m honored to be considered your equal (who’d I fool to get that title?). You’re only shortcoming is J.B. loving me, not you. I sized up your photo freshman year and it’s the best case for judging a book by its cover. You’ll be in my life forever, but it’s sad leaving the place we grew up together. From Sadler to South to 744, you leave every place better than you found it. You challenge me to be better both in character and craft. I’m lucky to walk out these doors into life with you by my side. Now, let’s get a damn Gannon’s brownie sundae, on me.

Mom & Dad: I’m indebted to you. For everything, but mostly for the endless college tours to make sure I found “my place.” Mission accomplished. You’ve given me the best three years of my life. Thanks for listening to the complaints, tears and gloating that came with my time at The D.O. I owe you both the world.

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