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Syracuse Community Fridge battles food insecurity with free options
Lis Webber founded Syracuse Community Fridge to combat food insecurity in the city. It's set to open its doors at All Saints Church in March. Read more »

Personal Essay: Step out of the SU campus bubble to see the real world
Any student can do the same — it requires removing yourself from campus culture mentally, not only physically. Now, to get past the alienation I feel here from the rest of the world, I know I can simply step off the hill. Read more »

‘The Earth Laughs in Flowers’ exhibit brings Emerson poem to life
“The Earth Laughs in Flowers,” a Syracuse University Art Museum exhibit, encourages viewers to reflect on their connection with plants and the Earth. Read more »
These photo’s of Our President are breathtaking. The photo record of demonstrators is also a sign that grass roots organizing matters more than ever.
More BS and spin by Obama! FACT #1: 4-yr schools that get the largest amount / number of gov’t backed student loans consistently have the highest tuition! Why? Beause there’s less pressure to keep costs down. FACT #2: Which party most pushes for easy and prevelant school loans? (especially to weaker-qualified, higher-default minorities). The Dems!!! FACT #3: Hence, Obama and crew have actually been the indirect cause of higher college costs!
Breathtaking? Sure, if you are totally blind to the negatives Obama is causing.
Ugh seeing Cantor… can’t stand this high-paid ‘diversity at all costs / lower standards / save the community’ queen!
To each her own. Central NY welcomed and supported the President of the United States with joy and pride. I support his service for the American People and now I support a limited military action to punish Syria for its criminal use of chemical agents against children, women and civilians. God Bless our Commander in Chief for his dedication to our nation and humanity.
God grant us peace and Justice.
Not in my opinion. I find only positive ourtcomes since the American People elected President Barack H. Obama not once but twice to take care of the business of the nation.